Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Virtual People Watching: Makoy @ Close

The internet is one heck of a breakthrough, aint it? Ever since the world wide web phenomenon began, it has been so much easier to locate information that one needs. One click. Done.

I am most benefited by this advancement not because it takes me half the usual time to communicate with people or finish a research paper. I am advantaged by the internet because, above all, it sure makes finding something to laugh at a heck of a lot easier.

Virtual people-watching is something I do when I can't go some place and people-watch because: (a) i'm stuck in the office or (b) i'm just to lazy to. I go to google and search using a keyword that's a bit, how should i put it, pedestrian. A word that will obviously bring about search results that are ultra humorous.

A few weeks ago, i tried googling "tropa". After a couple of minutes of browsing through some of the 20,000+ results, i realized that i hit the jackpot. LOL would be an understatement. I will be sharing quite of the few hilarious things i found through google in my upcoming entries. But now, i will be focusing on one of the most amusing among my googled hidden treasures. Presenting: the personal webpage of Mark Anthony a.k.a. MAKOY.

At first, this guy's going to appear, well, okay. He even puts his credentials on his personal info portion. The SINGLE, CATHOLIC, TAURUS, DIGITAL GRAPHIC ARTIST, and ANIMATOR that is MAKOY. Ahhhh...Makoy.

Notice that there is no mention of his expertise in the english language. But, as I came to know Makoy better through his webpage, I understood why his proficiency in english was not among his astute credentials. One look at his banner will give it away.

Nope. This banner is not an email address, mind you. I think MAKOY had his english a bit screwed up. UP being the operative term. Think "up close and personal". Now, do you get it? Instead of "Makoy...UP close", our dear Makoy creatively puts it as "Makoy...AT close". Wahahahaha.

The facade of his webpage looks a bit harmless, really. Family and barkada pictures and all. But, again, Makoy's captions, which are incidentally in his NATIVE language (cue sarcasm), put him in hot waters.

But i guess i was properly forewarned:

LOL. This site really cracks me up. In fairness, though, his credentials and grades in college (yes, it was all there, complete with course code and number of units), but, of course, minus the grammatical milestones...are impressive.

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