Tuesday, April 22, 2008


It has been established that I like to go people-watching. I like telling my friends of stories of the people I watch, even though I get pissed off by them. It could be held, therefore, that:

The people I watch when I people watch piss me off.
I love people watching.
I love pissing myself off.

Funny syllogism. It may be fallacious at some point, right? But hilarious, nonetheless.

So in celebration of this fallacy, I present to you a really amusing portion of this blog: PAPARAZZI.

This is where I'm going to post pictures and images of other strangers' unguarded moments, aside from the blow-by-blow narratives that I do provide, that I personally took or have personally taken, to help us all visualize whatever irritating thing I am talking about.

The pictures will be for two things: One, for our sheer enjoyment. Two, so that at least one of you will believe even a word I am saying. Evidence. Harharhar.

The things that I have paparazzied will be plastered all over my posts and I will just be labeling them with paparazzi so that we could all make reference to it more conveniently.

Here's to invading other people's privacy. Cheers.

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