Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wall of Fun at Glorietta 4

Demn. Some of the faces were hellishly funny [or just plain disturbing?]

I haven't had the time the past week to come up with a more thoughtful entry. But this one, I couldn't have it pass me by. It deserves a bit of my pintasera prowess, at least.

Just this lunch break, my officemates and I ate out over at Food Choices at G4. When we were done and heading back to the office, on our way, we passed by this hall--the one connecting the Hard Rock/TGIF area to Food Choices (cannot really describe where it is, as it is pretty much an abandoned area of the mall, just refer to the image below)--and saw a great big wall of pictures...all headshots.

Location of the big wall of amusement

My officemates taking their time to pay their respect to "The Wall"

You could just imagine the overwhelming feeling that consumed me the moment I saw that wall--a huge wall. Full of pictures. Headshots. Of many different people. Even of [f]ugly ones.

"Yes," I thought while looking up the wall, my eyes glistening with excitement, like a child on Christmas morning, "Let me take a moment of silence to thank God for giving me this wonderful opportunity...Enough silence. "

looks a bit like...

Well, maybe SHAHANI was made to look like the Golden Buddha on purpose (for sure!) But I think the Golden Buddha could take some "pose and project" tips from SHAHANI...


Man as man can get. Minus the plunging neckline and cleavage, that is.

#3 MAX

What a pose! My gosh! Super laugh trip...for a while there I thought our dear MAX was holding a samurai. Then, I just realized that MAX is no ninja...he's a divine DIVA! Hahaha

#4 JR

looks a bit like...
My precious............
So if you're raring to go to Glorietta to take a crack at this wonderful wall put up by Headshot Clinic, wait for another minute. All those nicely taken pictures, the beautiful and the [f]ugly, you can now view online at PROJECT HEADSHOT CLINIC ONE WORLD MANILA

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